Update your personal data 100% online, simply and securely, without going to the bank. It takes about 10 minutes! You only need: valid ID card, mobile phone or any other device (tablet, laptop or desktop) with camera and Internet access, and a valid email address. Updating your personal data is a legal mandatory process, and failure to do so may result in restricted access to the banking products and services you have at Credit Europe Bank.

Authorize electronic card payments directly from the AVANTAJ2go app!

Install the AVANTAJ2go app on your phone and use it for 3D Secure authentication of electronic card transactions.


Symbol BNR Buy Sell
EUR 4,9764 4,9000 5,0500
USD 4,8032 4,7100 4,8600
GBP 5,9630 5,8600 6,0500
CHF 5,3062 5,2200 5,3400
SEK 0,4392 0,4070 0,4610
100 JPY 3,1479 3,1000 3,2600

* Current account exchange rates

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Natural person 1 month* 3 months
EUR 0,60% 1,00%
RON 5,75% 6,75%
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Index Last update Rate
EURIBOR 12 LUNI 07.02.2025 2.35400%
EURIBOR 6 LUNI 07.02.2025 2.46600%
IRCC 01.01.2025 5.66000%
ROBOR 3 LUNI 07.02.2025 5.94000%
ROBOR 6 LUNI 07.02.2025 6.00000%
SARON 1MC+M1 07.02.2025 0.37990%
SARON 3MC+M3 07.02.2025 0.64650%
SARON 3MC+M6 07.02.2025 0.71750%
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Buy online, confirm from the app! No passwords, no text message!

Activate the 3D Secure service in the AVANTAJ2go app:

  • Step 1: Download the app from the App Store or Google Play, and if it’s already installed, make sure you have the last version
  • Step 2: Allow AVANTAJ2go to send you notifications
  • Step 3: Open the app and register your card
  • Step 4: Go to “More” menu, “Settings” submenu, and check the option “Use this device for 3D Secure authentication”

Done! Now you get notifications on your phone for every online transaction and you can confirm them straight from the app, without passwords or text messages. 

How to make online payments with the AVANTAJ2go app:

  • Step 1: Choose products from online shop
  • Step 2: After adding all desired products, initiate the payment
  • Step 3: You’re directed to the payment page, where you enter your card information
  • Step 4: After pressing the confirmation button, you’re directed to the secured payment page and you receive a notification on your mobile phone
  • Step 5: Open the notification and confirm your transaction straight from the app
  • Step 6: Return to the page where you initiated the payment, to check the status of your order and transaction