Update your personal data 100% online, simply and securely, without going to the bank. It takes about 10 minutes! You only need: valid ID card, mobile phone or any other device (tablet, laptop or desktop) with camera and Internet access, and a valid email address. Updating your personal data is a legal mandatory process, and failure to do so may result in restricted access to the banking products and services you have at Credit Europe Bank.
  • Deposit type Standard deposits constituted at the counter / Internet Banking Retired People deposits constituted at the counter / Internet Banking Standard deposits constituted through monet Retired People deposits constituted through monet
    Minimum amount / Interest for current account - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Minimum amount / Deposit 300 100 100 300 100 100 300 100 100 300 100 100
    Current account - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1 month 4,50% 0,60% 1,25% 4,65% 0,60% 1,25% 5,00% 1,10% 1,75% 5,15% 1,10% 1,75%
    3 months 5,00% 1,00% 2,00% 5,15% 1,00% 2,00% 5,50% 1,50% 2,50% 5,65% 1,50% 2,50%
    6 months 5,25% 1,50% 2,50% 5,40% 1,50% 2,50% 5,75% 2,00% 3,00% 5,90% 2,00% 3,00%
    9 months 5,25% 1,40% 2,00% 5,40% 1,40% 2,00% 5,75% 1,90% 2,50% 5,90% 1,90% 2,50%
    12 months 5,50% 1,75% 2,75% 5,65% 1,75% 2,75% 6,00% 2,25% 3,25% 6,15% 2,25% 3,25%
    24 months * 5,00% 1,75% - 5,15% 1,75% - 5,50% 2,25% - 5,65% 2,25% -

    Starting 11.04.2024, we have differentiated interest for deposits in EUR, for a period of 6M and 12M, both for standard customers and for pensioners, as follows:

    Deposit Type 6 months 12 months
    <20.000 EUR Deposit Value 1,50% 1,75%
    >=20.000 EUR Deposit Value 1,75% 2,00%

    • Deposits in EUR with a value ≥20.000 benefit from an interes bonus of 0.25% for 6 month and 12 month terms.
    • Interest is applied for new deposits starting with 11.04.2024.
    • Interest is fixed for the entire deposit period
    • Interest on deposits is reimbursed at the end of the period
    • Early term deposits are interest-bearing at current account level, except for 24-month early term deposits, which are interest-bearing as such

    The period from the date of establishment of the deposit until the date of its abolition Up to 12 months 12-18 months 18-24 months - excluding maturity date
    Annual interest RON 0% 2,50% 3,00%
    Annual interest EUR 0% 0,15% 0,30%

    * Interest rates are annual.

  • Deposit type Standard deposits constituted at the counter / Internet Banking Retired People deposits constituted at the counter / Internet Banking Standard deposits constituted through monet Retired People deposits constituted through monet
      Interest Interest Interest Interest
    Currency RON RON RON RON
    Minimum amount 300 300 300 300
    3 months 4,75% 4,90% 5,25% 5,40%
    6 months 5,00% 5,15% 5,50% 5,65%
    9 months 5,00% 5,15% 5,50% 5,65%
    12 months 5,25% 5,40% 5,75% 5,90%
    24 months * 4,75% 4,90% 5,25% 5,40%

    • Interest is applied for new deposits starting with 11.04.2024.
    • Interest is fixed for the entire deposit period
    • Interest on deposits is reimbursed at the end of the period
    • Early term deposits are interest-bearing at current account level, except for 24-month early term deposits, which are interest-bearing as such

    The period from the date of establishment of the deposit until the date of its abolition Up to 12 months 12-18 months 18-24 months - excluding maturity date
    Annual interest RON 0% 2,50% 3,00%
    Annual interest EUR 0% 0,15% 0,30%

    * Interest rates are annual.

  • Of the sum of RON – BRANCHES/INTERNET BANKING RON - monet
    0 2,00% 3,50%
    Minimum amount / dob. savings accounts - -
    Of the sum of EUR USD
    0 - -
    200 0,10% 0,15%
    Minimum amount / dob. savings accounts 200 200
    • Interest rates are variable and apply from 02.07.2024.
    • Interest is calculated daily, but is recorded in the monthly savings account, on the first working day of the month, over the amount deposited
    • The savings account interest will be applied to the amount that exceeds the minimum level established for each currency
    • If the balance of the savings account falls below the required minimum amount, no interest will be reimbursed
    • Permitted operations on the savings account: deposits, withdrawals, receipts and payments
    • All cash withdrawal operations from the savings account will be commissioned in accordance with the list of fees and commissions approved and displayed by the bank on the date of the operation