Update your personal data 100% online, simply and securely, without going to the bank. It takes about 10 minutes! You only need: valid ID card, mobile phone or any other device (tablet, laptop or desktop) with camera and Internet access, and a valid email address. Updating your personal data is a legal mandatory process, and failure to do so may result in restricted access to the banking products and services you have at Credit Europe Bank.

Project Financing

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Symbol BNR Buy Sell
EUR 4,9690 4,9000 5,0500
USD 4,5785 4,5000 4,6500
GBP 5,9000 5,7900 5,9700
CHF 5,2094 5,1600 5,2300
SEK 0,4225 0,3910 0,4450
100 JPY 3,0043 2,9300 3,0900

* Current account exchange rates

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Natural person 1 month* 3 months
EUR 0,60% 1,00%
RON 5,75% 6,75%
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Index Last update Rate
EURIBOR 12 LUNI 26.07.2024 3.48100%
EURIBOR 6 LUNI 26.07.2024 3.61900%
IRCC 01.07.2024 5.86000%
ROBOR 3 LUNI 26.07.2024 5.80000%
ROBOR 6 LUNI 26.07.2024 5.85000%
SARON 1MC+M1 26.07.2024 0.15280%
SARON 3MC+M3 26.07.2024 0.36320%
SARON 3MC+M6 26.07.2024 0.43420%
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    • Financially stable company;
    • Minimum 1 year experience in the business field;
    • No overdue loans (CRB);
    • No payment incident recorded in the Incidents Payment Bureau (CIP).
  • The bank requires solid guarantees:

    • mortgages;
    • pledge on goods, merchandise, equipment, shares, cash;
    • assignment of receivables;
    • letters of guarantee;
    • letter of comfort;
    • documents/payment instruments (payment orders confirmed by the payer bank, cheques/ promissory notes assigned in favor of the bank).
    • Last two Annual Balance Sheets stamped by Financial Administration with the relevant trial balances (for companies with more than 2 years activity);
    • Bi-annual Balance Sheet and the relevant trial balance (if existent);
    • Last trial balance closed (not older than 2 months);
    • Legal documents of the company;
    • Relevant documents of the collaterals.

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